Our mission is to make Australia the most cyber secure nation on earth.

Our Story

A few years ago, an employee of a friend’s small business opened an invoice from what appeared to be a legitimate client. The invoice was fake. Thousands of dollars, five months and some employees later, the business was only beginning to gain its footing again after a successful phishing scam. Our friend’s experience acted as the catalyst for our mission. How could a loyal, long-term employee in a successful business fall victim to a scam? We knew that psychology was the real key to cyber security.

A short while later, two motivated guys Alastair Hood and Davide Defendi decided to take a stand for SMEs and founded Cybermate. We scoured the world, the internet and everything in-between only to find components of a solution or products designed for the ‘big guys’. There’s where our mission comes in: to make Australia the most cyber-resilient country in the world, starting with you. 


We wanted to develop an easy, intuitive and affordable way to mitigate risky human behaviour and the margin for error – without compromising productivity. Now, our idea is a reality.

Cybermate is born.

cybermate brandmark

We started from scratch to design a fully integrated system with, dare we say, pretty advanced technology. It had to be automated, easy, engaging and not distract our employees or businesses. Moreover, to see our mission fulfilled, we needed to ensure that Cybermate was cost-effective and accessible, so cyber security can be risk-free in all the ways that count. With the platform completed,  Cybermate was ready to launch. Enter Greg Caleo.


Cybermate turned to Greg Caleo and the team at Blue Hat Green, (BHG), a specialist brand and marketing agency for technology brands, to launch the Cybermate brand in ANZ. In early 2022 “Cybermate” was launched with a refreshed brand, new website and new positioning and messaging as the first affordable cyber awareness and training platform for SMEs that reduces human risk.


Greg’s belief in Cybermate was so strong that he wanted some skin in the game and became a shareholder in 2022. Later that year in December, Greg became the majority shareholder in Cybermate.


Cybermate team grows…

Buoyed by the new brand, improved features and a major Innovation Award under our belt, the Cybermate team grew to now include Blue Hat Green’s Head of Strategy, Grant Belcher, high profile chief financial officer, Greg Meddick and Technology entrepreneur Hamish Mckellar. Grant has more than 25 years of experience growing technology brands and working alongside some of the world’s biggest tech brands like HPE, Microsoft, Cisco and others and assumes the role of Chief Marketing Officer. Greg Meddick has held senior finance roles in various industry sectors including Household brands like Sanitarium and others, Greg is Cybermate’s Chief Finance Officer. Hamish brings his considerable technical expertise and entrepreneurial talent to take on the role of Chief Technology Officer.


With a new look, new features, new recognition and now a new management team, Cybermate has already grown exponentially over the past 6 months and implemented a new affiliate/advocacy program with many new evangelists signing up to Cybermate’s mission to make Australia the most cyber-secure nation on Earth.

About Us


To allow every user to have the freedom to explore, grow and contribute without the fear of exploitation.


To create a safe space for users and eliminate risky behaviours to keep everyone safe around us.


Trust is everything. We want to restore business and people’s confidence on the internet

The Team

chief Technology Officer

Hamish MacKellar

Our technology-expert

Hamish is an experienced Systems Architect with a demonstrated history designing/deploying high load and highly dependable cloud systems. Skilled in Operations Management, Application Development, Data Management, Cloud Migration, Entrepreneurship, ERP integration, and Staff Management. With a love for people, Hamish thrives when his team achieve their goals. Hamish leads by example, and encourages those around him to grow and develop their skills in all areas of life and work.


Bonnie Louise

Senior Marketing Manager and Head of Digital

Bonnie is an accomplished Senior Marketing Manager where she combines her passion for digital strategy with a keen eye for innovation. With over a decade of experience in the digital landscape, Bonnie has honed her skills in driving brand visibility, customer engagement, and revenue growth. Bonnie is a prolific content creator. Her articles, podcasts, blog posts and thought leadership pieces resonate with consumers worldwide. She demystifies complex concepts, making them accessible to all.


Greg Caleo

Board Director

Greg is a serial entrepreneur and a highly experienced Senior Executive and passionate sales and marketing professional. With a career spanning diverse industries, Greg has consistently led teams to new levels of success. His expertise lies in identifying growth opportunities, exploring new markets, and devising innovative engagement strategies. Greg’s journey includes working with well known brands such as Qantas, Jetstar, Sanitarium, Lend Lease, Bupa, ANZ, NAB, and Westpac, and most recently, working with technology and professional services brands in APAC, US and Canada. His track record speaks volumes, whether it’s navigating the competitive landscape or driving major market expansions.

Our Advisors

Grant Belcher

Grant Belcher has extensive experience with technology’s global giants. Formerly working as a programmer, operator and analyst; Grant shifted lanes to become a brand-expert after developing a fascination with brand psychology and people’s relationship with technology.



Jessica Defendi

Psychology is the life-blood of Cybermate. Jessica Defendi has 10+ years experience as a registered psychologist and is the owner of her own practice. Jessica has a strong interest in behavioural psychology and exploring the nature of risks and how to reduce them.

We align with the human behavioural requirements of the following standards
